Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jan 3, 2010  ACIM Commentary on Lesson 3 

I do not understand anything I see.

Hi, you 'other myself's'.....   well, lesson 2 was cool.  I wrote it up into a little chant song, and had it running like a  mantra in my subconscious all day yesterday.  What I get about todays lesson 3 is that it's all about being in the mystery.  Like when Einstein said his understanding of God was 'Awe' at the mystery of the universe.  Of course, we normally kill that off with our 'knowing how it is about everything'.  But this lesson gives us a whole day to focus on how much we don't know, and don't see, and don't understand.  It gives us a day to humbly acknowledge our blindness and become a bit emptier.  Such a day shall be recorded as a very good day to have lived.   Namaste,  David