Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1-7-10 Commentary on ACIM LESSON 7 

I see only the past. 

Profound and simple (and easily made musical).  The basis of all illusion is the past-based disconnection with the Eternal Nowness, sourced in the incompletely experienced (i.e., resisted) present, and healed by the practice of non-resistance to What Is Now.  This is why the course focuses on practical forgiveness as the means to open our beingness to 'the peace (of being fully in the Now) that passeth understanding'.  

Allowing old ideas to become compost and fertilizer for the 'I will make all things new' (quoting Jesus ) mind-state requires only a simple yet consistent willingness to receive the constant in-breath directives/inspirations of Whole Spirit, without blocking them (plugging the pipeline) with past attachments (to experiences, ideas, religions, decisions, beliefs, attitudes etc.).  In Zen, this is called 'beginners mind'. It is not really about being a 'beginner', it's about being a Master of empty-cupness.  It is the opposite of 'been there, done that', as it often leads to repeating lessons as needed, until fully learned.  Trust life, and what it gives as your curriculum.  It never makes mistakes, and the surest path to union with life is simply to not resist it.  The embrace of This Life Now is everywhere, and always especially Right Now.  

As noted in the second sentence, I suggest the option to be musically creative with this lesson, as a song of jubilant  liberation.  The work you do today is for all of us, knowing nothing done with a pure heart is ever lost.  

