Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 88
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lesson 75 (The light has come.) and Lesson 76 (I am under no laws but God's.)

A Letter to myself(s).....

Dear david(s), (any when or where...)

Remember "He's the One leaving the lights on everywhere." ? (the closing line of Commentary 75)..... the question now is: Are you experiencing "the lights on everywhere?" all the time? For when you are not, you are trying too hard.

What we mean by that is you are being too busy 'being spiritual' instead of simply 'allowing your spirit to be'. There is nothing you need to do to get (understand) this. Love is the easiest and most understandable of things. It is what you need to Not Do that is 'boxing up' your freedom on the 'dance floor'. When that is happening, you are choosing an Idea of Love, instead of 'standing upon' what actually brings you Into Your Joy. THAT is 'Abandoning your self to God' COMPLETELY.

Don't be so concerned about appearances, as they ultimately have nothing to do with your Happiness. 'Ideas' of God can get old, stiff, rigid. God as a Reality is the opposite.... being Now, flexible, and compassionate. You already know we have you covered. You can see we are working unseen all around you, placing people and events in your life as learning/teaching moments every day. And you do get this, again and again. But then you start thinking.... again. So just stop thinking so much. Practice being more Present. Be Quiet more. Look more deeply at exactly where you are. Remember your breath more. Look at all the beautiful beings you are attracting into your world. They are all leaving their 'lights on' just for you. They are here to be the family of God in your life. They are your perfect teachers, and your perfect friends.....

And do not forget, we are with you. We have known you for ages. Now Allow and Let the Peace of God Heal you...and all pain you still carry from the past. Let it go. It is over and done. It is past. It is not true NOW, and it is not real NOW. You CAN do this....

From this moment onward, Be Ignited, and be fearlessly alive with your Self. Your Self is your 'burning bush'. Your Self is your 'hallowed ground'. Your Self is your always true dance partner..... 'want' no other.

If (when) you would be 'never empty again', refuse to allow any doubt about this into your mind. You have that power, for God's law is always fullness. It is always yours for the asking. Ask for Love's Help constantly.....habitually..... like maybe, 'with each in-breath'..... that would be 'about right', about 'just enough' for constant ecstasy....

You are free. We do suggest you have nothing better to do. And there is no law that is stopping you. :-)

