Monday, March 22, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 81
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lessons 61 and 62.

"Yet I will trust that, in the Light, I will see it as it is." The line (in the Lesson 62 review) is referring to 'forgiveness as my function' specifically, but the sense of it that lit it up for me was more general. More like: I will trust that, in the Light, I will see everything as it is.

This is the 'great soul desire' (to 'see truly') and I see it is behind everything that is the content of my personal 'faith walk'. Despite all my lifetime of miraculous evidence to the contrary, sometimes the 'thing' most difficult to 'see truly' is simply my own Self. I am sure it is the same for you too. Obscured in the moment by the remaining/surviving voices of smallness that I have protected and kept unexposed, my trust wavers and I experience 'aloneness and lostness'. These moments are my 'shadows of the valley of death', or 'dark nights of my soul'. The course tells me these are simply 'meaningless distracting thoughts and self-fantasys that have no power' which I must remember are only dreams, and trust my Holiness to carry me through. This I am gratefully learning to do.

It is the nature of duality to do battle with God on the battleground of our mind. Many of us experience this insanity of self-doubt from time to time. To it there is no answer, until we remember we made the mistake of forgetting it is unreal. For it will tell me I am worthless instead of holy, and that there is no salvation in God's Love for me.

At times like these, Peace returns when I stop fighting these voices of smallness. I do not continue resisting them. I surrender and 'listen to their insane story'. The Quietness of my listening includes giving up my judgements of being worthy or not worthy. There is no Force used to push any of it away. It is all included. It is all accepted. That is all it wants. It wants to be loved too. To be accepted WHILE being exposed.

I find my Quietness in my body, and especially in my breath. It is the simplest thing, just sitting down and breathing. Just following my breath in and out is all I do. It is all I need to do. What the will is for is to remember to do it.

