Sunday, March 21, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 78
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Let miracles replace all grievances.

Are you being tested? I am. I see it is support.

How else would be know we were growing except to suddenly wake up and catch ourselves 'in the act'. I see this is what Prasad meant when he said being Awake was like 'being in a cage with a tiger about to pounce'. Our mind is working 24/7 to lull us back to sleep. That tiger is our friend, saying, 'if you do, I have you'.

So we live and practice being on the razors edge. It can take many forms, depending on what our individual curriculum path is. But it is all ego aikido, whatever the form. Practice, Practice, Breakthrough, Practice. More Practice, Practice, Another Breakthrough, More Practice.

The phone rings. It's somebody you'd like to not speak with. You speak with them, remembering they are your brother. Work is boring. Repetitive. You do it with patience and detail. You do it well. Nobody notices or cares. You realize nobody needs to. Something breaks down. Your day is changed and you don't get done whatever you'd planned. You choose peace, go with the 'flow' and miracles happen left and right as a result. It's time to write another 'commentary'. I don't know 'what to say'. Somehow the words 'just come' in a beautiful empty way. I am fed. You are fed.

What exactly are we practicing? This instant I'd say 'Trusting Life', in another it might be 'Being Silent', in yet another it might be 'Recognizing there are no mistakes'. It could be a long list, but it is hologramic. Everything on the list is but a form of everything else on the list.

Like not holding grievances is a form of 'offering light' which is a form of 'healing the separated mind' which is a form of 'entering the One Being'. And like the tiger crouching is a form of Divine Support, which is a form of God's Perfect Love.

So ultimately it is all forms of the formless.....and our surrender is.... letting go completely of expectations and desires, just getting that the point is to be empty and spacious and silent. What was that that Gangaji said? Just choose silence. Don’t even choose love. Choose silence, and love is apparent.

Where can 'a grievance' exist if the mind is silent? What need have we left to chase, when such love is apparent. It is simply the way of wholeness to rely completely on miracles. :-)

