Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 69
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My grievances hide the light of the world in me.

The True Creator God of this and every possible Universe is the One that gives us our original breath, and to which our breath returns as our learning/teaching mission in this phenomenal time/space world is completed.

I remember (as an inspired young man-child) promising this One God with all my heart that I would never serve any god but Him, the True God, the Supreme God. Of course, I was 'in the religiously indoctrinated world' that somehow there could be 'god's' OTHER THAN the One True God. It was a little confusing, as I had also been taught that 'God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent' (All Knowing, All powerful, and that Nowhere existed where God 'was Not'). So where was the place that was 'other than' God for all the Evil of the Devil (etc) to even exist in?

Simple questions like that, that were not well answered in my youth, have provided the drive that has led me on my personal spiritual pilgrimage. Ursula Le Guin writes "It is good to have a goal, but in the end, it is the journey itself that matters." In other words, it is HOW we live whatever we 'do' that reveals our state of 'being'.

My 'best proof' in the existence of a Loving God is my own life, which has been so touched, guided, aided, blessed, and healed in every way and from every possible direction so consistently and continually that it is impossible for me not to testify that 'God is the only true Reality'.

This includes so testifying in writing these Commentaries, obviously. Now sixty-nine times 'up to bat' (and looking at the remaining 296 'birthings' to come), it is clear that 'I' can have no real idea where or who 'I' will be when 'it is finished'. But I suspect it will be 'at another beginning'. In other words, more pilgrimage into 'the Infinity of God'. For the details, I will (to quote Papaji): "Wait and see". This is 'the enoughness' that allows 'the miraculous' to be my day to day experience.

For each of us in this growing circle, this is a year of passage from separation to unity. Although at years-end we will still have individual bodies, we will not have individual wills as we had known them before. I sense that for many of us, the delusions of personal identity are rapidly falling away as we progress from lesson to lesson. Also, the experience that 'another' is actually 'another myself' continues to open and fill us with greater knowledge, deeper wisdom, increasing compassion.... for others and ourselves.

It is the Will of our Divine Source that we become like 'Him', and be light onto the world. This would make us all 'lightworkers', right? There is a parable in the Bible about not hiding our light under a bushel basket, but to hold it aloft that the world could see it (and by it). This is what is being addressed by todays lesson.

Being unafraid to be 'in accord with the will of God' is the source of our Joy in this life. Letting the power of God work through us is the function of that Joy.

