Sunday, March 07, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 66
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My happiness and my function are one.

How blessed it is to be the receiver of this grace of understanding. Answering all questions of insanity and restoring rightmindedness is God's simple truth that no matter how complex the appearance or how hopeless the separation, to be 'Awake and Within' the Holy Love of God is always the choice of our heart.

If I could have found happiness any other way than through God, I am certain I would have. Every doorway that tempted me with its counterfeit versions of fulfillment I certainly did try. And I absolutely avoided the 'God Door' until there were none left but it. And then I stalled and hesitated and tried to make deals. What patience our Creator shows us (has shown me).

I look at the many times my life hung by a thread and was yet saved and wonder 'how is it that I am still here?' and 'for what?'. In the past it was incomprehensible to think that the true answer is: So that I could know happiness. Now, that is simply self-obvious.

I make a third mention of the book 'Illusions' (which you might take as my opinion that it is worth reading :-), for the summation line of the parable of the clinging creatures is "It is on the path of our happiness that we shall find the lessons that we are here to learn." (paraphrased, but I'm sure I'm close...)

The committed 'suffering sinner'-ego of me had that bass-ackwards. Like, "My God, that is hearsay". Our ego wrongly hears this as license for forbidden and wonton pleasures, and completely 'irresponsible' behaviors. No, No, No, it says, the 'way' is penitence, and/or definitely the suppression of fleshly desires. Right? At the very least, some version of personal denial?

But what ego never addresses is the Joy of the Soul in simply Being God's Love. THAT it has no knowledge of, AT ALL. And NOTHING is as powerful or as naturally self-disciplining as truly discovering our Souls Joy. It is like whatever the ego addiction is or was, it is done, over, finished.... once Soul Joy Arrives. And Joy's Arrival is very simply the discovery of our Freedom to Love without Limit or End. Nothing trumps (or pumps Life) like being hardwired into God's Deep Love... the Love that no circumstance rattles, no situation phases, no temptation sabotages, no egoic pressure reverses. And This Love is Always 100% non-addicted, fully responsible to Authentic Self, and appropriate too. So, where's the plug-in?

Just have no other gods before God.

