Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 61
Rev. David Seacord

I am the light of the world.

Having reached an awesome spiritual height since January 1, we now shift gears and begin again, taking a more focused approach to 'the upgrade' we are installing within us this year. While any one of this Course's lessons could be repeated for a year by itself with great amazing life-altering results, our Beloved knows the fickleness of our ego-mind, is gentle, and offers variety as needed.

The challenges we will face as we deepen our realization will come from voices we are very familiar with, voices we even now identify with as 'me'. Been there, done that--- hey, that's me! Not interested--- that's me too. B_O_R_I_N_G....----me too. I don't want to.... (you're going to tell me you never hear that as 'yourself'?) You get the point. We have more deep cleaning to do, the purpose of which is to alter who we know ourself as, and then, facing what that means in terms of being responsible for who we are as Equal Sons and Daughters of the Beloved.

The Course is clear about who you and I are. For us to get it, really get it, not just get it as an idea, but get it so that we shift molecularly and atomically requires only that the heart of our being grow enough inside us to crack the shell of the fundamental ego from the inside out. In other words, the core layer of ego we most protect. If we do not allow that, we will continue to suffer the separation (until we do allow it). The best way I know of to approach this is to ASK GOD FOR HELP.

I would say, the more help asked for, the better. Until, as spoken in Chapter One, we 'have nothing' that does not come from God. This is our divine destiny, and this destiny is our greatest Joy, whether that is seen presently or not. One thing that certainly must be clearly seen right now is that 'our (ego's) goose is cooked' ALREADY. If we must have a little more drama here and there, it will be provided, but in no way does 'ego drama' compare to 'being presence'. How long it will take to let one go and to receive the other is simply a matter of our attachment to the idea that this is 'MY LIFE', (as distinct to: God's LIfe), that is being lived here.

When we accept everything that is in our life as a perfect gift from God, without any resistance, we shall discover the true meaning of Love. Simply ask, whenever you resist: If God allows it, can I/you? Here, within your 'yes', also lies the Peace of God.

