Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 55

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


Reviewing Lessons 21 -- 25



God's Goodness (Her Love).... never attacks anything.  Rather than attacking, She Forgives.  She does so without any strings attached, with no hidden price added, simply because She is True to Her Being, which IS Forgiveness.  


The message of our ego to which we have become addicted is:  I am not worthy of forgiveness.  This we listen to, and that we do listen to it, we hide as deeply from our Self as possible.  Why? Because our True Self Knows Differently.  Only by keeping us 'confused' as to who and what we are can the ego maintain the charade, keeping the deception of our stolen birthright from us.  Yet as committed as the ego is to this survival of 'itself AS US', cracks inevitably appear in the humorless amour of dead-heartedness with which it has coated us.  As with the Arrival of Aslan (in Narnia), the warmth of spring touches us, we begin to melt, and soon we run rivers. 


Our tears are both for our own healing, and the healing of the world.  Our tears let us know we have accepted Her Love again.  Now opened, what is there to do?  Quietly, Go Share Her Love.  It matters not where....  any selfless service arising from Her-Love-In-Us will continue and deepen the Healing.  Do give your Trust to this Healing Process, for it is in Her Hands.  SHE will Know and Guide the when and how, the why and where.  And when we have been made Ready 'as Hers', we will be Graduated, and a New Mission for our life will come into view.  This is the Great Adventure and Joy of Life we have dreamed of and longed for.  Referencing Richard Bach's parable of yesterday's Commentary, like the Creature who 'let go and let the Current lift him' from the bottom of the great crystal river and became a Savior to those downstream whom he floated over'--- we will also Know that if Her Love could Heal Us, it can heal anyone else willing to likewise Let Go.  The Great Crystal River now carries us Home.


God's Goodness (Her Love) knows everyone is Worthy, regardless of appearance.  In fact, SHE NEVER 'regards appearance' inappropriately, Knowing all appearance is simply temporary phenomena.  Thus, one of the signs of enlightened Presence is equanimity (balance of beingness).  Not to worry, That Comes too, comes as surely as Her Love.  As Ram Dass once said: "It's only our egos that are in a hurry." 


Our sure path to the Quiet Mind is walked upon the bricks of Self-acceptance.  Accepting our Worthiness to be Loved, and thus to Offer Her Love, is the Fire of Holiness that will Lighten the Way.



