Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 48
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

There is nothing to fear.

The Androgynous Divine Reality is fearless. Being 'in it's image', our Nature is also. Years ago, attending author Hugh Prather's ACIM-based 'Dispensable Church' in Santa Fe, I heard him say "The only things we (as infants) naturally fear are 1. loud noises, and 2. falling. The rest of our fears are learned." If there is actually 'nothing to fear', this means we have been pretty busy learning to believe in illusions. If this can be seen, the logical is self-obvious: What is learnable is un-learnable.

Like a hologram, where any piece projected will reveal the whole, this Course has many gems beyond price. Todays intentionally short, simple lesson is among its mightiest. My Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat would sometimes have we students repeat powerful phrases (called wazifas) hundreds of times a day. On retreat, that might be increased to a thousand, or more. The benefit of such intense practice is lifelong Remembrance. If you would remember, under all conditions and circumstances that "there is nothing to fear" I do invite you to consider what "merely repeating this idea as often as possible today" might really mean. Just as certain metals are given a permanent magnetism by being intensely charged, we can use identical process to permanently install (or upgrade) our mental software with Divine Idea. A few, simple gems of truth, acting as Keys to Wholeness, installed deeply enough to be automatically Remembered whenever we are surrounded by The Illusion will alter our life again and again, save years (or lifetimes) of suffering, and replace it all with the miracle called Love.

I suggest todays idea is worth installing for life. You could think of it as a day-long 'bath of love's light'. (I couldn't resist... :-)



Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag