Saturday, February 13, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 44
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is the Light in which I see.

Hearing 'here'....

What NOW?
It was a question that
arose to my awareness today as
a learning/ teaching response to
the resistance 'I' was feeling to
the rush-hour traffic jam.

was the answer,

Almost aloud,
I wondered
(as I had thought I was asking about where to go...)
'but where am I going?'.

Right. Now, Here.

I AM Grateful
to be on 'such a
short rope'.


The choice to turn our will over to moment by moment Divine Guidance is made moment by moment. It is The Practice of making Faith real. There is no escaping this imperative of Choice. But it is 'made easy' by what todays lesson calls 'standing aside from the ego ever so little'. It is like slipping 'between a moment', this 'standing aside'. It is the art of emptiness.

To do this, simply contemplate everything as being within you. When this 'within-ness' is fully realized, there is no 'I' left to resist anything.

Then, 'What NOW?' is truly effortless.



Thank you for sharing this work as you are guided.

Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag