Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 35
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My mind is part of God's. I am very holy.

Obviously, the world teaches the opposite. All of our self-hate is created because we do not know this about ourselves. Everything our ego can possibly do to prevent us from realizing this, it does. This is the thing we most fear to know about ourselves, and at the same time, the thing we wish the most to be true. All of this is deeply hidden, both from ourselves, and absolutely from all others. We search and search to find this key, and at the same time, we make sure that wherever we look, it will not be there. This is our predicament, as an ego.

As a spirit in a body, this is simply the truth. Truth is timeless, and spirit is ageless. Selflessness erases the ego and unifies us with God by recognizing that the ego is not real. Egos are like bubbles in water, or air. They are actually very beautiful, but very momentary, very temporary energies, when viewed correctly. They are the after-effect of creation, the claim of 'I' to a phenomena. But they don't last long (when viewed from eternity) and certainly should not be worried about. Best to just return to our peace, and allow the eternal cleansing shower of our holiness to wash away our foolish fascination with the dreams of fear. Best to trust Love to lead the way.

