Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 32
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I have invented the world I see.

I call attention today to two important themes that are now being developed: The ability to witness the mind, and the necessity of being responsible for what our life contains. It is like watching a ticker-tape stream of thoughts passing before our awareness, and whatever we react to-- 'positively or negatively' --that is what manifests as our life (the stronger the reaction, the more rapid the manifestation). Thus, being fully responsible means understanding that our life is an exact reflection of our total state of consciousness. That includes EVERYTHING, which only means EVERYTHING. That nothing happens accidentally is because you and I, like our God-Source, are infinitely creative. It is impossible not to be. Each morning we re-invent ourselves, each deep sleep we dissolve and return to Source. The universe is actually just energy directed by thought. As we awaken, the process by which manifestation 'happens' will be revealed automatically. Like in the movie Matrix, we will start seeing the code that creates the illusion we call Reality. Seeing the code clearly will liberate each of us from 'should or must or can't be judgements', to 'anything is possible, nothing impossible'. Can you imagine more freedom than that? To walk and move among the code that believes it is real, knowing none of it actually is. All we need do to enter this state is to release our addiction to the coding of our own identity. The addiction to personal identity is by our choice. This is the God Game. You get to be anything you choose. Why chose Love? Because it created us. Because it is what we are.

