Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 23
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.

So very simple. Perhaps it could be said also thusly: I can transform the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. It certainly would. Or experiment with present tense language for even more power: I will transform the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. If you are that you will, then it absolutely will.

Shifting the perception of cultural consensus reality ever so slightly, just enough to cause a moments hesitation before pulling habituated attack/defend triggers, creates immeasurable space for the miracle of another breath. As we are porous, absorbent, permeable, we can recognize that no position of righteousness ever is anything but another layer of ego defense justifying our belief in the 'unfortunate necessity' of attacking a brother. This is called 'survival' (dog eat dog, sorry, but it's you or me, and it's not going to be me, etc), and it is the fundamental lesson of the upside-down reversed world. It is so fundamental that we are usually as blind to it as the proverbial fish is blind to water.

So it is great good luck to be the fish aware of the water it exists in, so to speak. And once this simple idea of forgiving everything takes root and is practiced a bit, the taste of the sweetness it adds to life is beyond pricing. Can you imagine moving through a day of this life without attacking anything? Practice well this idea, and it will be inevitable. And so then, will your freedom to be anything that your God asks of you.



PS. A morph report. I am much wiser about email realities after todays rapid learning curve. Within a couple of days I will be using a new system which will allow you to un-subscribe at will. That that feature was missing, and that I was using bcc is what caused the filters to be triggered. It is probable that I simply shot myself by lacking appropriate email knowledge.

PSS. One gift of todays learning curve was the re-discovery of my poetic 2002-2004 blog, which was (and is) called 'Everyman's Journal'. There are many wonderful entries that you may enjoy. The link is