Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary inspired by ACIM Lesson 15
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My thoughts are images that I have made.

Did you catch it? The morph? Commentary 'inspired by' (as distinct from 'on'). It's all part of being straight. I get up early and I read the lesson and I begin writing. The Course provides the ignition, and acts as compass. Still, I've realized I haven't been really 'commenting on the Course per se' all that much. Your occasional feedbacks have told me that value is still being created. That is what is important.

We walk through life dreaming in reverse (for the most part) until something (a shock usually) switches the polarity (for perhaps a few nano-seconds) and we awaken. We recognize nothing is as it seems. I remember vividly the literal electrical-like shock that ran through my body when I realized I didn't really exist-- that I was only a thought. It was 15 years ago and I was taking a shower after a Gangaji satsang. It's still hard to grasp intellectually, but it felt like my molecular structure was suddenly rearranged. Then quite quickly, I was the same as I always was again, but different. I couldn't deny something profound has just happened, and I was 'out of the box' (even though I was obviously still in the 'body' box).

Those kinds of revelatory moments happen in our lives 'right on time' and are spontaneous 'spiritual initiations'. They are gifts given as we are ready for them (that does not mean we think we are ready, it means Knowledge recognizes we are ready). You are reading and I am writing because we are both ready to recognize we are the same being, at least on some level. I am grateful to you, deeply, for the teachings I am receiving by sharing these writing that benefit my own life as a result. The idea that these writing may somehow benefit others is present, yes, but the most important aspect for me is simply that I am expressing the best I have to offer, the fruit of my life experience, as a pure contribution. I am singing my hearts song, and by singing, I am more and more healed.

The Course has been gently contributing to my life for several decades now, as have many other sources of Truth. It is a good friend, and one I recommend to others if they are interested. As it itself declares of itself, that it is 'only one' of thousands of paths to true reality, I have felt free to use inspiration from other sources also. That, I am seeing, will continue, and fulfills the purpose of my ordination: to teach the unity of the apparent multiplicity. That is my personal 'Sufi Path', the path of seeing the mystical unity.

Todays lesson is about seeing mystically too. It is a wonderful lesson. I am very happy to have my mind guided to unravel and peel off my projections, and especially to continue recognizing how much I still live with a projected world. Then I remember, freedom is not never having projections, it is in recognizing them. What freedom does that give? It gives me 'a choice'.

