©2010 Rev. David Seacord
God did not create a meaningless world.
Not competition with God, but rather, my natural and obvious partnership with God--- that is what I celebrate today. That I am the extension of God. That I am here to bless and heal by simply being awake as Love in the 'dream of the world' (fear). That this I is your I also. There is nothing to do 'before' this really, and in reality, everything is actually about this. All things (events) become understandable from the vantage point of the Great Peace. I will be forever allowed to enter and leave this Great Peace as I choose, for that is the surest way free will can assist me to discover my Wholeness through direct experience. Being Whole is being one with, as Jesus said, 'the Father'. Or, by any of a thousand other names, same-same. Source. Wholeness. Divine Infinite Intelligence. Creator. The Only Being. Shiva. The Causeless. Our Unity. No Mind. Allah. The Eternal. Nature's God. The One. The Course says clearly on this point (paraphrased): A universal theology is impossible. A universal experience of our divine nature is not only possible but necessary.
As we choose to become 'fully grounded' in our Oneness with God and each other (one being impossible without the other also), we see increasingly clearly, and questioning/questing ceases. Not like a zealot, but as a baby, we shall remember our holiness.
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