Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 13 
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

A meaningless world engenders fear.

    Here, the gentle and masterful hands we (I) are in is softly suggesting we (I) will find it valuable if we (I) 'notice any signs' of 'overt or covert' fear or resistance that we (I) may be experiencing as a result of our (my) lesson practice.  This is an invitation to be in what the Buddhists describe as 'mindfulness', and/or what Advaita practitioners describe as 'being in inquiry'.  The saying "One cannot pour into an already full cup" reveals the imperative necessity of intentionally generating some empty space in ourselves (myself).  In this space we (I) can practice being.  Not being correct or incorrect, not being right or wrong, not being better or worse, not being any attribute nameable.  All that is noise, the smoke and mirrors of our egos illusions, judgements, fears. Just being silent. And in that silentness, simply waiting. Being silent emptiness waiting. This is 'prayer', but  asking 'for' nothing.  Knowing we (I) will always be shown the next step. Knowing what we (I) require, it will always be given.  That is how these words are being written.  That is how a life in faith can be lived.  

