Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 11
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

Our jails are of our own making. No one can free us but ourself. All anyone else can do is point to the keys already in our own pockets and say "Use them, and you can be free". "I can't" is our normal answer. "It goes against my programming, and I will self-destruct if I do", we explain. "This is true", the wayshower will acknowledge, "However, be assured you are not who or what you think you are. You are in a condition of reversed polarity. As a result, everything is switched, and what is true is appearing as false ad infinitum. It is your choice. You have free will. You can 'take your time' if you wish. There is no one demanding you leave your dreams. Still, even I am here, inside your dream, only because you called for me to come."

What is the key? We are programmed 'Never forgive'. The Course key is programmed the reverse: "Always forgive". As the Course has been pointing out consistently, 'always' means 'without exception'. That usually takes 'a little practice', which is why practice is suggested.

One more thought. Always forgiving releases great energies, generally referred to as 'joy'.

