Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 12
©2010 Rev.  David Seacord

I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

Todays lesson is being delivered via A Course in Miracles, which speaks in 'a Christian tongue' (if you will).  However, if you were existing in another time and culture, say, pre-Christian Zen, you would still be learning the same lesson.  "When all things are seen equally, the timeless self-essence is reached," is a quote from the writings of the ancient 3rd Zen Patriarch.  To experience this 'equal-ness' the Course requests we give equal time to our contemplation of all things about us, and to not discriminate in our application of the idea based on our personal value assessments (good/bad etc).  What is being underlined for us here this that it is 'my thoughts' 'my judgements' 'my I-dentity' that creates 'the separation' we feel-believe in LIKE IT WAS THE TRUTH.  Drop into The Zone (the equal-ness) however, and we discover the self-obvious: We are making it all up.  Truth doesn't need to be believed.  Beneath our beliefs lies the world of directly revealed unity, where no thing is separate, nothing is  excluded, where there are no accidents EVER, where 'it's all covered'.  No true peace is possible in the domain of our beliefs.  True Peace (I've been thinking of it as The Great Peace) is the inevitable natural result of entering 'the Wholeness', or 'God's Reality'.  To enter, all we must do is be willing to give up our separateness.  The Course asks only for 'a little willingness'. Let us be grateful and relax.  We are in such gentle and masterful hands.  

Namaste, this day and all days, 
