Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 30
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.

Re-membering our wholeness must include the mind, as it is this that we have come to believe we are. This belief is false, but seductive. It is the 'mind without God awake within it' that is separated from itself and insane, and it produces an insane world. Restoring God to the mind by direct experience is the path to Right Mindedness. This is the same as discovering we are not 'our' thoughts, and especially not our fear or separation thoughts, for each moment entered into and lived 'beyond Fear' reverses the world and rights our insanity.

The Unified Mind is One with itself, Life, and it is Whole. Being Whole, it resists nothing. It accepts reality unconditionally, and it serves Love entirely. In this, no 'I' remains. As a servant of True Being, it creates by the use of Right Will. It does not believe 'in' anything, for the way it knows itself as truth is beyond 'belief'. It creates truth by simply knowing itself completely. This is a radical honesty to the fearful and the false. And this is why Jesus said again and again, "Fear Not". To enter Infinity, this is the key. It is found through selflessness, which is found through releasing the extremely limiting 'I'-thought. Therefore, practice knowing God in everything, and everywhere, and especially, practice knowing God within the mind.

