Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 24
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I do not perceive my own best interests.

Our past-based identity is our greatest barrier to our own spiritual freedom. I am blinded when I am being it. It believes in mistakes, it believes separation from God is the truth, and it believes anything that will reinforce its own belief that it itself is real. There is no true peace in it. All this we have been working on exposing in the previous lessons.

Now is the only time there actually is. All miracles, all love, all God Presence--- they are the result of entering 'the Now' with a quiet mind. The quieter the mind, the truer the guidance. So, what quiets the mind? Today we focus on the miracle of not knowing.

"My cup runneth over" (Psalms 23) describes the endless flow of this not knowing, and celebrates the ecstasy of not needing to know. To live in this 'not needing to know' state is what is meant by 'bringing Heaven to earth'. It is possible for anyone at any time to chose to surrender personal identity at the alter of wholeness/holiness within the heart's cave. When I go there, I find my true Soul Heart Self. When I say to God 'show me', and I am willing to see what is shown, I am able to see any situation as God/Love sees it. If there is ever any doubt, it is only my mind in reverse thinking again. Right-minded-ness begins with not knowing. That is worth remembering. It will guide any 'lost in the mind' moment back to 'the now'.

