Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 26
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.

Todays lesson makes it self-obvious we live in a dream of fear, afraid to believe (realize) only the good is being and will be given us. It is from this dream that the Course calls us to awaken. As it is shocking to our ego to ever actually see this, it is intentional that this lesson is number 26, and not number 1. In other words, 25 gentle lessons have prepared us for this moment of courage. Courage is absolutely required to face our fears, for the nightmare reality of our normal world is teethed with terrors that we spend great energy investment avoiding. All our habituated social defenses, our preoccupation with looking good and being right are smoke-screens that are designed by the egos we falsely believe we are to keep us forever running FROM the self-examination we are asked by todays lesson to do.

While spiritual freedom has nothing to do with delusions, the way to it is through them. That is why we 'need' (another delusion, which will eventually become 'are') each other (for support). As with any addiction (in this case, to fear), the way to freedom is replacing our most blinding illusions with ones that are contain greater degrees of truth. Over time, like walking into unknown horizons, we let go of limiting beliefs one by one AS THEY ARE CLEARLY SEEN, consciously. Growth is a conscious process, and done with our awareness and cooperation. That is the law of free will. It is also an intimate process, and thus requires the presence of safety. It is Love that gives us that safety--- true love, that is, Love that will enter our fear dream and stand beside us as a friend, as a wayshower, as an example of not fearing, in the dream. This is the great gift one can give another. All that is necessary is authentic self-knowledge, gained from direct experience.

I encourage you to courageously attempt to gain that direct experience today. It begins by facing and being willing to see the sea of subtle fear we live in, and to discover it is a dream of our own creation. Simply doing the lesson will place us in the 'zone' where this will result. Knowing that others are doing the same can be empowering too. That is the purpose of our group. As one we awaken, and each light we share becomes light for all.

