Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 25
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I do not know what anything is for.

As with all the first 50 lessons of ACIM, todays lesson focuses on Unlearning (emptying our cups) and Simplification. We've all heard the phrase 'more simple, more better'. In my experience, letting go of over-complication (and the often accompanying 'self-serving-striving') immediately results in greater peace, power, and effectiveness.

Today we focus on another sure thought leading to our freedom from believing we know the truth of the matter without examination. As I did the lesson a minute ago before writing (moving from object to object repeating I do not know what this is for, what that is for, etc) I could see my own knowing instantly appear also, telling me I did know (that the seeds were to grow sprouts with, the blanket was to keep me warm, the container was to carry water in, etc.). None of my instant knowings were wrong or bad, they just fill me up in a way that blinds me to the Great Unknown Infinity within which I actually exist. My knowings leave me in a world much smaller than Infinity, and in the illusions of normal existence. The only dilemma this presents is that I cannot experience anything as truly sacred or (w)holy in this normalness. This is because 'normalness' is always only about 'me-ness', not 'all-of-us-in-God-ness'.

The whole point of 'spirituality' is to develop our ability to enter into communions, or at-one-ments with each other, leading ultimately to at-one-ment with God. As the introduction to this course points out, our natural inheritance is awareness of love's presence at all times, anywhere. That Love is the doorway to entering at-one-ment with another, and our fear (in any form) closes that door. Developing courage to face our fears, and the trash pile of wreckage strewn about our lives that our fears have created, is what we are engaged in 24/7, consciously or unconsciously. It is the curriculum of life. A Course in Miracle is simply a very well lit rocket powered pathway that provides us with access to ever deepening inner peace as we face our fears, or said poetically, as we 'kiss the dragons hand'. Such is the kiss of Infinity, which is another name for God's True Love.

