Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 28
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Above all else I want to see things differently.

I call attention to the (now being paraphrased) last line of yesterdays lesson: One completely sincere repetition equals saving 'many years of effort'. I envision each of us reaching that complete sincerity somewhere in this journey. So does Infinite Wisdom (which has led us here) with a complete certainty born of knowing our actual greatness of being (and that we are Itself dreaming).

Todays lesson requests that we relax and trust this certainty. It reveals again that seeing anything correctly will open the doors of our eyes to everything being seen correctly. And it introduces the power of specificity and commitment as keys to the Mastery we are practicing. Whatever we are completely committed to will become our experience. The more specifically we envision our commitment, the more rapidly it shall manifest. These are eternal creative principles, and are available to us to the degree we accept that we are 'made in the image and likeness of God'. (Say quickly, "I Accept"). Todays lesson is really: Above all else I am committed to seeing all beings, all actions, all events through the eyes of Infinite Wisdom. I am committed to knowing myself as this Wisdom and Wholeness. I am committed to being that I am One. I am committed to being the Peace of God. And God will agree, saying: It is as you have spoken truly.

All that seeing truly requires is purification of our mental conditioning. Our hearts have never been disconnected from our Source, or our existence would not be possible. But our mind can believe it can disconnect, and this throws it into insanity. That nearly everyone is likewise insane makes our insanity difficult to recognize. However, each one of us walking the path of purification has had some kind of experience which allowed us 'out of the box' at least temporarily, and that experience impacted us enough to give us a guidance beacon. What we are doing in the Course is purifying that beacon by becoming it. We all have the same work to do spiritually. By choosing to purify the ego-self, we become the true Self, which is one with all things and all Wisdom/Knowledge/Truth. It is a path of endless wonder, to see ourselves as the active Love of God in this world. It is a path of perfect faith because it is our faith that makes us pure.



PS. I welcome your reports of the journey so far. Also, I encourage you to share these "Course-based Commentaries/Love Letters to God" with others.