Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 33
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

There is another way of looking at the world.

Thank God for this. There is a way out of our delusions. It is called 'seeing God'. It is called 'being whole, [same as being holy]'. It does not make us different, better than, or superior; it makes us the same, true equals, and capable of compassion. How else can we become 'as one'?

The silence we are led to enter today is infinite. Nothing has ever disturbed it. It remains pure and untouched by 'the world'. It is instantly available to anyone willing to stop their mind, and kneel to drink. It lives within us, and our wholeness is the simple recognition that it is us.

Stopping the mind is 'the way', and it does require practice. Do practice until practice is everything being done, until no doer remains, until practice as practice disappears into Presence. When we are ripe, this is all we desire. Our most natural state is this communion. Only our mind does not know this. To fully awaken, kindly, compassionately, assist your mind to become quiet. This is all practice is for. You are surrounded by God's Love and assistance, and nothing is impossible. Simply ask to See. Thank God nothing but God Is.

