Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 34
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I could see peace instead of this.

'This' means anything that disturbs or concerns or creates anxiety. Anything that unsettles happiness. Any thought that separates you from 'another'. Any moment challenging our absolute trust that only God's good is being given/offered (no matter what it looks like to us personally).

I could see peace instead of this. (In breath, out breath.)

What usefulness! To have a thought standing right beside us today that can answer any voice of fear with a not-fearing possibility. A thought that says: Wait and see. Trust Life. Relax, God has this covered. I am safe. (I remember Gangaji saying: "Just tell the truth to yourself--- really-- and you'll see---Nothing BAD has EVER happened to you, REALLY.)

I could see peace instead of this. (In breath, out breath.)

We are meant to be like a boat without leaks, which floats in light upon the waters of the world, not drowning/sunken in the darkened depths. (This is not to say 'Don''t Explore the Depths'. Just use a submarine, one without leaks. Like this Course, for instance.) Being 'in the world but not of it' is like that. It does not mean being in la-la land. Being Awake is simply Living in Light (being Guided), being fully Present (having a quiet mind) , and being fully at Peace (resisting nothing).

I could see peace instead of this. (In breath, out breath.)

A couple of weeks ago, a thought arose that stunned me. It was: "If God allows it, can you?" (meaning, me.) I saw that this was the basis of true Peace....Allowing whatever God allows to be, to be (for me) also. To not allow is to resist, which is to say to God 'you are wrong about this'. This is ego-battle, and it is very hard to hear wherever fear is living as The Truth. The 3rd Zen Ancestor wrote: 'To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind.' This dis-ease is (circularly, ie, like CODA, back to the top) anything that disturbs or concerns or creates anxiety.

I could see peace instead of this. (In breath, out breath.)

