Thursday, February 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 42
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is my Strength. Vision is his gift.

As Love gives, it's most precious gift is freedom from need. How whole!!! How could a life full of need be whole in this way? Is it not hard to imagine knowing true freedom, true love, while being a slave to any need, and especially any addictive need? "To set up what you like (want/need) against what you dislike (don't want/refuse to allow) is the disease of the mind". (Zen wisdom)

Yes, it is clear that what the entire world 'teaches' is the reversal of this, for all of its messages reinforce the idea that who we are is our need, and that our happiness is in their satisfaction. We are free to believe this, yet, when the result of many lifetimes of such pursuits and the accomplishment of many enterprises is that we are still NEVER FULL, we are usually driven to despair by egoic emptiness and spiritual bankruptcy. I know (and I believe that by the time you read this you also at least suspect, or know also) this is all part of 'the way', part of our necessary spiritual ripening, as it is essential that our choice to place our spiritual welfare above all else be one done in uncorrupted uncoerced free will.

No one can force us to discover we are Love. If that were to be, what we would be discovering would simply be more 'not Love'. When Love comes to us, it is as to a starving, thirst-dying man who has given up all hope of survival, and has finally turned to face his death, knowing there is no escaping it. And the death does come. Whether it is physical or egoic, this death is met by Love! In this meeting, the worth of Love is finally seen. It is Recognized that it IS, and always has been, and always will be, our True Self. All the roads of our life lead to this ultimate meeting with Love as Self.

If we are willing, and choose to met Self as Love before we leave the body, we have the opportunity to be of actual service in this world. We become a living example of the reversal of the world while we are yet within it. We become the hands of Love. Then, what do we teach? Obviously, freedom from need and from fear, by Being....... without need, without fear, without self.

In this, God is my Strength. My only Strength.



Thank you for sharing this work with your community, as you see it serving others.

Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag