Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 36
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

My holiness envelopes everything I see.

Wholeness is unspeakably complete. Nothing is missing. Nothing is needed. Everything is provided 'right on time'. The mind says "This can't be", the quiet unfearing heart knows it simply IS. This knowing is what 'surrender' actually is. All of the pathways of life lead to this surrender, to this holiness, this wholeness. It is the purpose of time, and the purpose of LOVE too.

Love is what lets us see each other with Love. Without it we are blind but blind to our blindness. With Love awake within us, we have a guide that is unerring (mistake-less, "sinless") in direct relation to the completeness of our surrender. When we surrender our self wholly, we are self-less. To be self-less is to be One with. You may name it whatever you wish---- but no name truly speaks it. It is simply unspeakable completeness. It is beyond the mind.

'I' meets 'you' there. This 'there' Is True Love. It 'envelopes' everything.....including (especially) our imagined un-wholeness.

