Sunday, February 14, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 45
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is the Mind with which I think.

"To seek Mind with the discriminating mind is the greatest of all mistakes." (Zen wisdom again.)

Just who creates a 'discriminating mind'? A mind separate from all others? A mind that is so insane that it wishes to overturn the Reality that it exists within? Actually, no such mind exists, at least, not after authentic beingness is recognized. Therefore, whatever recognizes our inauthentic beingness is our best friend.

Would you listen to insanity, making of it your Source of Truth? Yes, of course we all have, in our Past/Future tail-chasing...(any when but NOW)... before 'something touches' us. By being a 'seeker', the effort of seeking makes it nearly certain that we will swim endlessly in the seas of personhood, using our judgements, assessments, feelings, desires, and dreams to guide us through the rapids of experience. As this Course teaches, our ego is very happy to have this be so, as it guarantees that although we will never find our true Joy, it (ego) will always 'have our ear', and so will be able to keep us blind to our Self by reversing reality and convincing us we are seeing darkness as light.

It is by the great grace of our Mother/Father Oneness that we are blessed with becoming too exhausted by this endless effort to seek further, and finally simply Stop Seeking/Searching, and Be Present. If we have learned the skill of paying deep attention, and have developed the necessary inner quietness, we will see in this Stopping, our egoic nature nakedly.

More rigorously spoken, our Divine Nature Awakens and recognizes the ego as nothing, and as 'imagined by insanity'. Is there something to do then? That is the ego again, the habit of Problem. Listen to the Voice of the Fully Stopped. No more doing need be done about a problem that never existed in the Mind of God. Now is Enough.

