Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 47
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

God is the strength in which I trust.

To live in freedom requires strength we do not have if we do not know we are living God's Life. The depth of our forgetfulness of this is reflected in the lost of 'possibility' that is rampant and visible in all 'the separated ones'. All our suffering arises from this forgetfulness. All our Joy from our remembrance. God created us, each and every one of us, me, you, anyone/everyone, as an expression of unique fullness, as an Unlimited Possibility. Our choice to see ourself as limited in any way is like decapitating our hands to play the piano better. It is obviously insane.

Remember to 'Just Listen' (do nothing/give no reality) to this insanity screaming as you begin to fearlessly trust the wings of God in your life and follow your Calling. As I listen for the silence under the scream of my fear-story, for the Emptiness/Fullness that it hides, I am taught what Love is. Love is never losing faith in Reality. Love is Knowing I am You (communion). And Love IS without end forever, and forever eternally NOW.

Eventually or suddenly (as You/I Choose [thinketh in our heart], so shall it Be) the screaming ceases. The 'mind reverses' (returns to Trueness), and we 'dance Life' as God's Infinite Freedom Being Embodied. We are given every strength necessary for the moment NOW. This is trust. The Joy of it is: It works both ways. :)

