Sunday, February 21, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 52

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


Reviewing Lessons 6 - 10



No private reality is possibly The Truth.  And 'I' is the ultimate private thought.  


The circling of the mind around the 'I' thought will only lead us away from our own Heart, which IS (individually) Our Guiding Voice to Love/God/Oneness.  Now, using this Course as the Awakener, we quiet that circling, and Embrace Rightmindedness.  There is a yoga asana called 'pranam', where, with knees on the ground, one folds the body forward and brings the head to the ground also, arms stretched forward, hands up.  This position places the heart as more elevated than the head, representing the natural order of heart as master, head as servant, and Will (arms) as receptive (and willing). 


Byron Katie tells the story of how, when she Awoke (as a housewife in Barstow, CA) people would show up at her door and say 'Namaste', and she would let them in.  She thought they were saying 'No mistakes', and at that time, she didn't think 'anyone else knew'. 


However we Awaken, it is always Perfect.  We find we are in the exact situation we need to be in to begin Being and fulfilling our assigned (soul chosen) Mission.  Whatever that Mission, it is always an expression of a Love which Unifies, and calls us into the Communion of the One.  In this Communion, no private reality exists.  Therefore, no separated 'I' exists either.  We simply Belong to God. 


There have been no mistakes in your/my life.  That is all we need to see to remember who we are.  



