Friday, February 19, 2010

Commentaries on ACIM Lesson 50
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I am sustained by the Love of God.

Knowledge of God is not complex. It is very very simple. All that is IS One.

There are no exceptions to this Oneness, ever. It is in fact, an impossibility. So is our existence separated from this Oneness. Each and every moment of our life is directly sustained by this fact. We are within Oneness forever. Oneness is within us forever.

True trust never doubts, as it is based on direct Knowledge. This Course's aim is that we each receive this direct Knowledge. Only then can we, as fearless warriors of Love, make the choices and take the actions that keep us in trueness to our individual missions.

We live in a weaving of life that contains infinite possibilities, from the insanity of the separation to the ecstasy of the unified. "For the unified Mind in accord with the Way, all self-serving striving ceases, doubts and irresolution vanish, and life in true faith is possible." These ancient words of Zen are a strength to my heart, and a compass to my vision. I cherish them, for by them I have been led through delusion --to certainty-- again and again. May they be valuable to you likewise.

It is not that we never make mistakes. It is that all mistakes are opportunities to re-discover what is actually real. As Hazrat Inayat Khan, the great Sufi master said: "It is not how many times we fall down, but rather how many times we then rise up again, that determines our destiny". The Will of The Oneness is that we Rise Up 'in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God, and Man'. It is that we Move and Be and Have our Being Knowing ourselves as Like Christ, Anointed and At One. No Avatar has existed upon this planet to be special in themselves. All have lived to demonstrate and inspire us to Remember Who we actually are. It is not 'search but do not find' (the egos mantra) that will teach us this Remembrance. What does is the Vision of our Oneness, wherein no thing is accidental, no thing is forced, no thing is missing.

We are complete as we enter the Love of God.



Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag