Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 54
©2010 Rev. David Seacord


Reviewing Lessons 16 - 20



Where 'individual personal will' and the 'Will of The Supreme Reality' become One is where the razors edge of  egoic self-honesty 'rubber' meets 'the road'.  On the tightrope of this truism lies our Freedom to be Love, and the Peace of God.  


It is natural that the world will test our sincerity as we reach upward to accept The Invitation of Wholeness.  To accept it, the release of the egos grip in our lives is necessary.  Many of us will remember reading the wonderful (& recommended!!!) book "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Savior" (by Richard Bach), which opens with the parable/story of a village of creatures who lived along the bottom of a great crystal river, and for whom clinging was the way of life.  What we have clung to in the past may have been as widely different as our separated identities, but universally, our human machinery all has the clinging code built in.  


However, just as fruit has a clinging code, it also has a 'time to release' code too. This is the great good news we all welcome as we ripen.  While fruit falls to earth to be reborn, our rebirth is star-ward.  As we release our fear-based ego identities to embrace Love, our spirit rises Homeward, to be met by other Ourselves who wait for us in the Wholeness.  


In the Wholeness, there is no time, and all that IS, WAS, WILL BE is NOW.  In the Wholeness, there is no Question left to be Asked or Answered.  It is (quoting Zen for a bit here) 'self-illuminating'.  It is an indescribable 'Suchness, containing neither self, nor other-than-self'.  And, 'To come directly into this reality, when doubts arise, simply say: Not two.'  This 'not-two' state is where serving 'a Love that Unifies' leads us. 


It is the alignment of this Course with the teachings of many ancient wisdom traditions, (including Christianity as I have come to understand it) that calls me to love and 'mine' the depths of Course material.  That we are free to elect other choices does not change The Curriculum, which is always ever-present in Life whatever our faith paradigm.  Perhaps then, best to not avoid what arises.  Therefore, one could view the purpose of our being on this journey together is: to share courage when we hesitate, faith when we fear, hope when we despair, love when we are lost, joy when we are empty, peace when our mind is troubled...., all, that we may return and re-enter the Communion of Spirit.  This is so as students of this Course, this is so in LIfe.


Todays lesson is for deep drinking.  Let us be thirsty for wisdom, and true to our deepest peace.



