Sunday, February 28, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 58
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Reviewing Lessons 36 -- 40

Let us return now to our Holiness. Whatever the dreams of the world which are this moment surrounding you, please gently set them aside for a few moments, take my hand and join with me in receiving the Blessing of God. Be now quiet before He who is our Creator. No words are necessary, for we are completely known and cherished by this Holy Presence. It this moment, let us accept our Brotherhood to each other. Let us breathe in this Deep Infinite Relatedness extending without limit into our past, our future, and our NOW. Let us stand together under the shower of Forgiveness we are invited into, release our separation from each other and God, and Receive the Healing of God's Wholeness. In this Wholeness, let us Remember our True Purpose. Let us be this moment Strengthened, Re-Anointed, and Re-Dedicated to Being the Holy Love of God. Now Purified, Let us re-enter our Lives in Service to the Great Illumination given by The Peace of God. Amen.

