Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 62
Rev. David Seacord

Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

If God allows it, can you? This is not about 'passivity' or 'abdicating personal responsibility' (both which can produce inner struggling and the burden of guilt). It is more about 'moving among and intermingling' with the world while 'having space' for it exactly as it IS. This absolutely includes accepting ourself as we are in this moment also. To see the nature of the world (and ourself) clearly is to see the duality and be in the duality yet to be Awake to the One Essence under it all.

Jesus taught 'Be in the world, but be not of the world'. You and I cannot do this without a quiet mind at peace with life as it IS. Our social responsibility then is to act from this peace as we are called and guided. This may involve 'active involvement in causes' or it may involve no action at all. But either way, it is not to be in denial that the phenomena of the world, the life and death dramas that swirl around us in our personal world as well as the news reports of disaster and/or human atrocity that are the steroid of the separated ones are 'allowed'. God allows it all for God contains (without being contaminated by) the infinity of all possibilities, from the serene to the insane.

Our own serenity is lost to insanity whenever we cannot forgive ourselves. That is why we must practice this most holy action repeatedly and consistently. The Ho'o Pono Pono practice demonstrates why. It undoes insanity in others by undoing the insanity within ourselves. In doing so, it demonstrates that our oneness is much more real than our separation. What we are doing here in the Course is a completely parallel practice. All that is different is the language, not the aim or the effect.

Being clear that everyone is somewhere 'on the path' and that it is perfect for them to be there NOW is helpful in being gracious, kind, and non-insistent about our personal 'points of view', and in 'allowing what IS to be what IS'. And, actual forgiveness begins with recognizing there is nothing to forgive. All there is to do is to return to our Love. Remember, this day especially, to Love Yourself.

