Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 76
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I am under no laws but God's.

Once I spent a night in jail, because I could not make the traffic officer understand this. (I thought that would get your attention :-).... It is a good story, and I learned a lot from the experience too, but no, I'm not going to tell that saga here (right now). But you can know I've had my fun, OK? (When I was much younger and feistier...)

Ram Dass used to say navigating 'the world' was like knowing the zip codes to all the different 'levels' of reality.... and that the journey was 'fraught with paradox', i.e., that what was true on one level wasn't on another. I'd pretty much agree that that's a good description of the mind, AND also, that now I see the mind-made-world as almost all 'nonsense & madness'. What am I doing here?, I will wonder. The answer that arises from my heart is (of course) "to be God's answer" (Bless, Forgive, See Self in Everything/Everyone). That's what you do (ALL you do, I am now discovering) as a holy (whol-e) man.

Want to hear a little personal share? It's been a little shocking to my ego, but I am discovering by writing these Commentaries that I REALLY AM A HOLY MAN. Oh my god! Me? Yes, me, 'after all That!' (meaning 'after all these years of living, this is what I have come to...). Know how I am discovering this? Because suddenly, the writing of these Commentaries is all I care about, really. ( Commentary 'Day one', I sure didn't know this was where it would go...) Yes, I still love my painting, and I still love my music, and I still love my beautiful aged child-like parents and all of that. But trumping over all my life's content is this happiness to be watching my Self become Whole by being used to write with a power that is clearly beyond my ego's most arrogant self-puffery. And arising with the writing is 'the personal training' I am receiving on the inner.... the recognition that I am DONE (or almost done) with a lot of stuff that I might have continued toying with for a long time IF the miracle of starting to write these Commentaries had not happened. Why? Because by writing, I have discovered I am a Voice for God. That is so sobering, so ultimately maturing, so amazingly honoring that "he who I'd thought I was always going to be" has woken up and realized that this was also always who he was too.... enough to let go of the "games we pass time with", and start saying Yes! to the calls to serve. Nowdays, the door named 'Selfless Service over Here' is opening in front of me 'everywhere'. And the 'leave your ego at the door' sign isn't a confront, it's a promise that inside I will find others 'on the path of wholeness' there too. I go in, and I get happier. Fair enough share for now? Thank you.

Back to the lesson. "There is no way to holiness. Holiness is the Way." It's a New Age song from the 80's, and it came up into my mind's memory as I was reading the lesson. The ego wants to make rules (laws) about how to become holy, but there are none. Being Holy is the only way you become Holy. And how you 'be holy' (be whole) has no rules, it just has 'principalities'. Truth operates along these principalities, and by being whole, you see that, you discover that. And you then Align Your Life to them.... But it is Grace (aka, Miracles) that gives the jump-start to each of us. None of us 'earned' it, even though in another way, we all absolutely did. By being Willing. That was us, lighting off the fireworks, shouting 'You whoooo! Over here! I'm Willing....!!!!' God Loves that!!! (Tongue-in-cheek, we're 'off the record' sometimes referred to as 'God's Fools'...)

Back a month or so ago I was given a big learning opportunity. My body became what we call 'sick', with a nasty racking persistent cough, and lots of 'flu' symptoms. At first, I did the normal things, taking large doses of a lot of herbs and tinctures etc. But after a while, my body's message to me was "please stop drugging it", and so I stopped (trusting God would help the body naturally balance and detox, which it did, in time). I just got peaceful about being sick. I focused on remembering 'my bodies knowing of what physical wholeness was', and I told my being that my body would handle this 'in it's own way'. For a few weeks, other than writing the Commentaries, I didn't 'get much done'. I just rested and ate very lightly. And was mostly 'happy'....

If you go back and read the Commentaries that were then written, it is clear that 'being in a sick body' did not stop my being a Voice for God. If anything, it improved it. Maybe because I was (in effect) doing a 'hermitage' or 'retreat', maybe because what needed to be said needed me to 'be sick' in order to say it. (One way of looking at 'being sick' is as a 'resistance' to something, which, when released, alters the way you see....). In any case, I was in God's healing hands and under God's laws, because I consciously chose to stop doing all the stuff that the world says to do. And now I am as I was when I was sick, which is as God sees me: 'whole', and 'well'. But not for 'some reason', and not for 'no reason'. Right now, wellness is simply what is being given. And my curriculum is: Receive as I am given. This is my path to (w)hol'e'ness.

Of itself, the body is not important. And it has been 'way too important'. And that stops our life. Really. On any 'level', self-importance is a trap. As spoken of here, it's a huge trap that is all about the body, and lots of us have been in it, chased it, desired it, and been near willing to 'sell our soul' to be recognized as 'important'. We all just 'want to be seen'.

But you know what is Really Important? The most precious treasure you'll ever find? It's to 'find the Way'. The Way beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond 'the person' (and obviously, 'to God' [meaning, 'beyond all separation').

How to do? Just really be 'under no laws but God's'. That is 'the surrender' contract. :-)

