Monday, March 15, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 74
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

There is no will but God's.

This is worth every step of our journeys so far, no matter what that has looked like. How fortunate is (s)he who carries not the burden of a personal belligerent will.....

To discover our Oneness with each other and our Oneness with God is predicated upon each of us surrendering our imagined separate selfness, and voluntarily returning our being back to Stillness--- to our original Union with the Divine infinite Beloved. This means, as was metaphorically expressed a few days ago, "taking our hands off the steering wheel of our life, and letting God drive". There may be a ding or two acquired in the transition... not because God is not an excellent driver, but because we have not learned to ABSOLUTELY let Him drive ALL the time yet. But this usually gets worked out pretty quick, and then life begins to cruise in 'divine drive time mode'.

We normally approach this irrevocable 'true surrender' incrementally. God is no fool either, and does not casually drop his cherished 'toads-destined-to-be-saviors' (us) into already boiling water. (Everybody follow that?) He knows that would be counterproductive to the goal we both share, which is TO BE ONE LOVE.

What we need to get to really get God is that It/He/She (your choice) is MUCH smarter than our ego is ever going to be. As egos, we are just no match. All egoic claims to the contrary, no matter how exalted we become in the worldly sense, it will all one day be dust. And all we will be left with is.... well, as the Beatles sang it: "And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make". (Hope you're 'hearing it in your head'. ) :-)

There is no will but God's. Whatever happens, happens therefore AS the will of God. Not that anything has to, or should happen or not happen....I say this in the sense that What IS is only possible 'if allowed' by God, because God is the space that everything that IS is existing in. And God will allow whatever will, in the end, aid us in using the free will He gave us to remember our Self as Him. 'The Devil' does not know this (i.e., that he works for God too), the ego cannot conceive it either, but You, You Son of God, You, a Savior of the Almighty, You certainly Can!!!! And thus, it is our function to not only know this as a certainly, it is also our function to demonstrate it as God's Reality. We do this by ALWAYS being at Peace with What Is BEFORE we act in any way --- because if God has Allowed it, we have discovered a Peace where we can too. This is not passivity. It is something completely different. It is true Surrender. In the world, service is this surrender, in action.....

The Sufis have a most profound wazifa: La illa ha, Il allah hu. It means 'There is no Reality but God'. Sung, chanted, whirled---- it is the ecstasy of the Dervish, of Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir. Once begun, for the whole of life, true Joy would have this ecstasy be never-ending.

Why? Because far far out beyond all our incomprehensibly diminished ideas about God is the Reality of God. Listen to the Buddha speak it.... "MY TRUE HOME IS BRIGHTER THAN TEN THOUSAND SUNS!!! " That's pretty ecstatic.....

Being likewise full arises from knowing nothing but God.

