Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 145

©2010 Rev. David Seacord





(129) Beyond this world there is a world I want. 
(130) It is impossible to see two worlds. 


What is 'beyond this world'?  I am recognizing again that this does not mean 'physically' beyond this world.....  my sense of 'beyond' has more to do with being 'out of the gravity pull of the mundane' (or, the mass-mind middle ranges of consciousness).   You have noticed, I am sure, that to attain a self-sustaining 'spiritual orbit' requires a lot of 'karmic attachments' be jettisoned.  This is 'necessary' in order to 'lighten up' :-).  


As a state natural to our being, I believe we all have a memory of and feel a calling to 'see' from a higher perspective.  Yet what happens for all but a few of us is that we exchange this 'angelic connection' for the temptations and unfulfillable promises of a personal and separate identity.  In so doing, we disconnect from 'the universal oneness' to the degree that we assign Reality to what we 'see' through the lens of the separated mind.  


Valid spiritual vision never believes in this separation.  It knows Reality is an unbreakable Unity.  It brings to this 'separated world' (simply by being whole) the message that we are all one family and are all of one Source.  It matters not what manner of life circumstances we live in.... in all conditions bar none the Divine presents Her lessons that teach this, and we (as her conscious children) then witness to Her reality by living openly in faith


Faith means simply that God is the driver of our lives, and we are 'passengers-in-trust'.  This trust is practically (not fantasy) based on the direct experience of being Loved by God.  As in any marriage that is functional, Love is the operative tangible presence.  In other words, lovers of God are 'loving'.   


Thus, true surrender to God is never a forced thing.... it is as natural as the attraction of opposite poled magnets.  And the way to tell if our surrender is real is look and see how 'magnetic' we are being.  As God uses our lives to teach wholeness, we are naturally 'lit up, alive, and fearless'.  We are the living demonstration of unification... a being at one with God.  


Then, there is nothing left 'to do' except (as the Christians say) Praise God.  :-)  






Lesson 145

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(129) Beyond this world there is a world I want. 
(130) It is impossible to see two worlds.