Commentary on ACIM Lesson 339
© 2010 Rev. David Seacord
The life we live is full of 'chances to love'.... some we fail to be aware of, some we screw up for lack of well developed skills, and in some, we are successful emissaries of 'That which has sent us' into this world.
For me, there is nothing sweeter than to know that a greater love is now in the world as a result of my heart's action. That that action may occasionally be a bit out of the box of normality is absolutely the norm for a light-worker. It is not a thing to be 'egoically special' about, rather it is a thing to have a deep gratitude for. For to live outside the box of conditioned thinking is to be a demonstration of the potential of freedom to the rest of the witnessing world. And that is our purpose... to inspire by being beautifully ordinary, yet extraordinary in our willingness to be present to the beingness of being ordinary.
I suspect few people get inspired by someone being an example of something 'impossible to attain'.... rather, probably the opposite is true... when we can show 'the Way to the Way' in a way that makes the Way an actually possibility for others, then that is an inspiration, for the Way is then understood to be something that could actually be realized by anyone.
Living the practice of 'being guided' is like that. It shows the world that God is both intelligent and real, and very much not an abstraction. That is worth making visible, as it will, for somebody, be what transformed their life.
This is 'late' because I goofed and set the auto-send timer for tomorrow (Dec 6) instead of today. So I also woke up to 'where's my commentary?' Glad it was an easy fix. Have a blessed day.
Lesson 339
I will receive whatever I request.
No one desires pain. But he can think that pain is pleasure. No one would avoid his happiness. But he can think that joy is painful, threatening and dangerous. Everyone will receive what he requests. But he can be confused indeed about the things he wants; the state he would attain. What can he then request that he would want when he receives it? He has asked for what will frighten him, and bring him suffering. Let us resolve today to ask for what we really want, and only this, that we may spend this day in fearlessness, without confusing pain with joy, or fear with love.
Father, this is Your day. It is a day in which I would do nothing by myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do; requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts You share with me.
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