Saturday, December 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lession 335

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

What I see I need to remember today is that 'I do not know' what is really the truth ABOUT ANYTHING. Forgetting this simple axiom is the set-up that leads directly into the arrogant puffery of egotism. What is a bit harder to see is that my 'forgetting' always is or was 'on some level', an intentional thing. It's a bit harder because to see it was intention means we/I know who we/I really are but aren't yet willing to be responsible for being (or 'owning up to') it. We're still playing like we don't know, or that something/body else is 'doing it to us' etc.

Giving up being a victim is completely necessary on the spiritual path. It is the only way there is to create an environment of true integrity.... to honestly own our own lives as being our own responsibility, and to not place blame on anyone else for what shape our lives are in or how they look to ourselves or others.

Though necessary, it is a rigorous commitment to take on. I say rigorous in that same sense that the Course uses rigorous, which is: making no exceptions. It is a perceptual thing we're discussing here, as distinct from a rigidity of action. Where we must see no exception can be made is in the domain of relatedness. For if we are all one, we are obviously all related. That relatedness is the foundation of our practice of forgiveness of each other. It's the willingness to see our connectedness regardless of circumstance that is the important thing, at least in God's eyes. And in the Course, we are reminded that all that is necessary for spiritual success is 'our little willingness'... that God will provide the rest.

Twisting meaning a bit.... it becomes obvious that the 'rest' provided is beyond physical.... it is the rest of arriving at the door to a universe of complete trustableness. No longer on guard against any feared thing, we accept ourselves and each other as we actually are. Such is the peace of God.




Lesson 335

I choose to see my brother's sinlessness.

Forgiveness is a choice. I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception. What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth. It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings. I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this. My brother's sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own. And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.

What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother's sinlessness? His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself. In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well.