Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 111

©2010 Rev. David Seacord


The 'principle' of hate is that I will hate that which I fear.  And, as I fear less, I will hate less.  This is the whole of it, the summation of the insight that dropped on me this morning, but there is a bit more, to add color (so to speak). 


The reason I will hate what I fear is that I have given away my power to it.  I actually hate myself for doing that, because it is a violation of my true nature, which is my wholeness and oneness with the Godness.  When I am willing to recognize my wholeness, I am able to see that there is nothing to fear.  And I will cease projecting any justification for fear onto any other source.  


Therefore, anytime I hear a voice of fear within me, I am training myself (with this Course, among other things) to stop, look inside, and discover (un-cover) the negative self-defeating thought pattern that I am at that moment believing to be true.  This is conscious use of the mind in support of awakening.  


I am sure this is only a reminder to you, but no valid reason (except the ego) not to say it.  As I grow and as I discover my true being, I am increasingly grateful to the tips and hints that find their way to my attention.  It is all about accepting that  the Godness is in everything, and when we are actually choosing to awaken, of course, we will be heavily supported by 'she/him' from every direction.  It's not because we are off course that this is happening, it is the opposite.  It's because we are on course.  And the more on course we are, the more valuable to the Godness plan we are--- therefore, we get a lot of help.  


When we 'get big', we'll be very grateful.  







We are beginning another review.  I have not 'edited' this material, although I did underline (for emphasis) a few lines.  Practice well!