Monday, April 12, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 102

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord


I share God's Will for happiness for me.




Sometimes I am truly amazed at how I can be so 'brilliant' and yet so 'blind' at the same time.


I have 'a great life', and know myself to be 'an amazing, very talented man'.  Yet I have not (in the past) been always 'happy' (yet).  The last few lessons have be speaking to this, and my personal life has been cooperating in providing plentiful growth material too.  Thus, I have been being 'helped', and am now able to see a few more of the blindness' (in terms of awareness) that I have been living in.  (Thank you God, Thank you 'everybody' else too.  Well done.) It has really made a difference to me to get that simply being happy is all that I am being asked to do.  Of course, to Ego-I it 'seems a big job to create' all the time, for 'I' still have 'issues' (like 'dealing with loneliness' occasionally) even if ego-I would have you believe I don't.  


I get 'having human issues' is not so big a problem, really.  Ego-I is, after all, a human being machine. But 'having others think' that I don't is.  Not because I am lying to my public or anything, but simply because if I am (consciously or unconsciously) wishing to keep them (my issues) out of sight, that in and of itself makes me blind to them too.  Then, like being in (or crossing) an explosive land mine field  while sleepwalking, 'accidents' can happen.  


Not real accidents, as there are none of those in this total non-accidental universe, but 'well-staged' accidents, the kind that in hind sight I can tell God's Helpers had been working overtime to get set up, so that I could 'get' the set-up.  When I do get it, I usually have a big laugh at myself.  When finally freed 'from the teapot', what else is there to do?  A big part of spiritual growth is equivalent to being willing to laugh at my own foolishness, and be grateful for the lesson.  More than grateful actually,  'Happy' for it is more accurate.  


Go figure it.  Try to look good. End up looking bad.  Give up hiding that.  Look good.  What a hoot.  Love is the biggest wild-card going.  It will get even old goats to glow.  Where to now, from here, God?  Ego-I is willing to 'just ride along' for a while.  Maybe it will even get used to me 'being happy'.  


Why not?  That has been it's biggest seduction card (that it's 'not happy' about this or that, etc).  Could it be this simple?  That being willing to be happy is the easiest way to accept (and Love) my own Brother Ego?  


Oh, I gotta drop in this poem.... although you will need to switch the pentameter, it will, I hope, 'deliver the point' nicely....


Lady Faith


Lady Faith, she’s a royal gambler --

(and her game is for Royal Hearts -- that finest of the golds).

 If she were a being within a body, she’d be ancient, timeless...

 yet, her thoughts... they'd reveal Knowledge Never Old.


I’m here to give her my truest of loves,

I’m here to care for her until I am freed,

for Lady Faith is my closest friend---

She is my gardener --  I am her seed.


Lady Faith stands always before me, saying:

“Come, let your vision unfold --

that you may fruit,  that you may flower,

that you may shower your wholeness, your power,  unto every other soul”.


She sings to me: “There is never a true reason

to hesitate this life's Love flow --

everything that is needed has already been provided --

every destiny was seeded an infinity ago.”


Lady Faith is Love’s Returning

to this planet I now call Home --

She knows no boundaries, no limitations,

 she knows no heart to be of stone.


She follows into my unkept mind-corners,

wherever my fearing dreams lie and hide,

and I, drawn to the Endless Pure Light within her,

 finally welcome my own surrender: the laying aside of ego pride.


No longer shall the dragons rip asunder

my soul, the Holiness of this Man,

for Lady Faith has come to free again that Love that IS within me --

She has deeply kissed my dragons hand.


© 1987, 2009  Rev David Seacord









Edited First Person Version

Lesson 102

I share God's Will for happiness for me.

I do not desire to suffer. I may think suffering buys me something, and may even still believe (a little) that it buys me what I would have. Yet this belief is 'surely shaken' now, at least enough to let me question it, and to suspect it really makes no sense. It is not gone (as yet), but it lacks the roots that once secured it tightly to the dark and hidden secret places of my mind.

Today I work to loose its weakened hold still further, and to realize that all my pain is purposeless, without a cause and with no power to accomplish anything. My pain (any kind)cannot purchase anything at all. It offers nothing, and does not even actually 'exist'. And everything I think my pain offers me is lacking in existence toojust like it isI have been aslave.... to nothing.  Today I am free to join the happy Will of God.

Structurally, for the next several days I will continue to devote my periods of practicing to exercises planned to help me reach the happiness God's Will has placed in me. Here is myhome, and here my safety is too. Here is my peace, and here there is no fear. Here is salvation. Here is my rest at last.

Today, I will begin my practice periods with this acceptance of God's Will for me:

I share God's Will for happiness for me, and 
I accept it as my function now.

Then I will quietly enter my own Holiness and find this function deep within my mind, for itis there, awaiting only my choice to recognize itI cannot fail to find it when I learn it is mytrue highest choice, and that in choosing this, I share God's Will.

I will be happy, for my only function here is happiness. I have no need to be less loving to God's Son (meaning ANY of my brothers) than He Whose Love created me as loving as Himself. Besides these hourly five-minute rests, I will pause frequently today, to tell myselfthat I have now accepted happiness as my one function. And I will be sure that I amjoining with God's Will in doing this.
