Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 96
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Salvation comes from my one Self.


In order to be Great
you don't have to be grand
for the wisdom of a being
is the vision in the man.

Illusions are the playthings
of those who live in time
but if you wish to live in Freedom
you'll just have to become Divine.

(Song Lyrics from: Illusions
©1979 Rev. David Seacord)


Simple Things to Remember (while in a body)
(when not in a body, none of this needs remembering, it just IS)...

1. It's all covered.

2. There's nothing to worry about.

3. This is a blessing only. Nothing bad can ever happen from a Blessing of God.

4. You are a Son of God, unlimited in peace and power.

5. You cannot see Reality with the body's eye's. Vision knows by knowing the Heart.

6. Breathe. Breathe God in, breathe God out.

7. Don't believe 'your mind', and 'Don't know who the other IS.'

8. Give your heart fearlessly. (Now is better than later.)

9. You, and your life, are surrounded by Absolute, Unconditional, Amazing, Eternal, Unending, Infinite, All-Knowing, All-Good-Bringing Love. It is present NOW.

10. It is always NOW.

11. In Reality, there are no accidents. Everything that happens is 'the Will of God'.

12. For the 'mind in the world", the supreme question is: "If God allows it, can I/you/we?"
(If we/you/I can... Peace.
If we/you/I can't..... we win 'another round of separation'.)


What do we practice for? Is there an answer on the level of the question? Perhaps all our practice is simply the dance of our heart opening to the kiss of God's Love.

