Thursday, April 01, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 91
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

Miracles are seen in light.

Today's 'life lessons' gave me these gifts: 1. I am surrounded and supported by miracles whether I am aware of them or not. 2. I am never without help, whether I am aware of it or not.

As I read the Course lesson, I got these ideas 'as facts'. And, that the entire universe is a miracle, when seen in truth. Nothing can ever be excluded from this. There is no time this is not true. But, it takes us to SEE this, for it to BE true, for us....

My son's flight gave him a teaching, which became my teaching, as he shared it with me. There was someone on his flight that he and everybody else strongly rejected. His judgements blindsided him, and he felt only revulsion, but no compassion. He was 'taken down' (spiritually) by what he was not being awake to (which was his natural unity with others).

As he and I discussed his experience, I recognized this was my experience too. I am 'taken down' and blindsided by whatever I am not being awake to also. He and I are 'normally' highly compassionate people, so to be 'grabbed unawares' by a strong judgement points to the parameters of the boxes we live in. Inside the box, as long as conditions are as we desire, we function compassionately. But if something from outside our comfort zone enters our world, we lose self-awareness without even noticing that we are losing it, and become a justified personal survival-based reaction machine (which is longhand for 'ego'). As such, it is impossible to be the channel for God to offer a blessing or a miracle.

To escape our egoic prison, we need help. What is true is that help is always available, instantly, as soon as we remember to ask for it. As the Course teaches (and I was able to hear ways to compassionately point out this to my son), everything is either an expression of love, or a call for help. So his sharing his grievance about the person he 'couldn't stand being near' on his flight was his 'call for help'. And of course, if I have a grievance about anyone/anything, it is my 'call for help'. For me to get that I am just like him in this is what allowed us to 'become true' again. This is the essence of 'satsang'... becoming true again. It is also the essence of all worship. For true worship re-establishes unity with the world.

This I teach, that I may also so see, and continually learn. From anyone, and especially, from my own Self (as my son).

