Sunday, April 04, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 94
©2010 Rev. David Seacord

I am as God created me.


I have been recognizing I am 'being used'. By Spirit, of course. It has been using Ego-Me to write these Commentaries, knowing that will 'wake up' my God-Self-Me 'a whole lot'. But Ego-Me is experiencing it doesn't really really really want to really WAKE UP. Papaji said many times "If you touch it, it will bite you." The 'you' he was talking to is the Ego-Me 'you'. Ego-Me still (always) wants to touch, to have, to grasp for, to be special, to be loved by 'it's dream'. Really 'Waking Up' means letting/allowing all that to 'pass by' without touching/grasping for ANYTHING. This is sometimes a very hot fire to be in. Especially if you are being tested/tempted with 'the possibility of having' something you have dreamed of for 'your whole life' (like the perfect mate, perfect job, fame, success, etc).

A long time ago I read "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" (which was 'a good read'). There was one scene I remember, where Jesus was tempted by his perfect soul-mate. It was his 'final test' before his initiation as 'The Christ' (at the end of his training in the Egyptian Mystery Schools before 'going public'). It describes how he saw the choice.... to have 'heavenly' earthly love, or be heavenly love on earth. Obviously, this choice runs (or cuts) very deep. My Ego-Me definitely has a lifetime of wanting 'heavenly earthly love', and has a history of attempts that 'fell short' (I acknowledge 'due to my ego-judgements of what that would have to look like'...agggghhh-- painful memories...) (but remember the ego mantra: seek but do not find..????... that's the history it writes, at the price of using up our life).

NOW (Thank God), The God-Self-Me is choosing to AWAKEN. It is doing so by 'forgiving my past', which equals Being Present Now. (And, by saying Yes to writing as a Voice for God.) 'I am as God created me' is becoming (incrementally) more and more real, more and more my actual truth. And my ego is dying, and with it all its ego dreams (and of course, JUST when it ALMOST could have them..... iiiiiieeeeeeeeeyyaaaaaaaa!!!!! it cries!!!!!)

What to do? Where is 'choice' inside of 'no self-serving striving'?

Here is a 'key of understanding' as I have been shown. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto thee." The key is in the 'God first', (then it's 'added unto thee' when it's right). This means in correct perception, 'nothing is forced' or demanded or 'spiritually manipulated' (which is the way of ego, and gets us into lots of trouble). God (often but not always) 'adds unto us' the very things our ego desires WHEN THEY NO LONGER MATTER (more than God). And also, it's not that there is 'no striving' (work to do), but there is no 'self-serving' striving (which is the way of the ego, and gets us into more lots of trouble). Remember the qualification of a teacher of God? ....(To see another's interest as not apart from his own)... Summed up, true non-attachment means it's always 'let Ego-Me go, let the God-Self-Me Know' time. When it is really 'in God's 'God first' timing', what is 'right' will be Given. Just TRUST THAT.

That is the choice of 'surrender'. To being awake. To letting it all come to you. To being 'saved'. (And they are 'all the same thing'.)

Therefore, 'the wise' surrender to 'being no one' (selfless), unseparated, complete, present 'now', and Self-Unified. That leaves me (and you) 'Resurrected'.... meaning BEING exactly as I actually am, which is exactly as God created me.



PS. If I had to chose a favorite lesson, this is mine. A suggestion: 'In God's time', take on doing this one lesson every day for a week, a month, even a year.... that's 'my plan' too. :-)