Thursday, May 27, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 146

©2010 Rev. David Seacord




My mind holds only what I think with God.

(131) No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth. 
(132) I loose the world from all I thought it was.


Like a horse to water, I am to 'home'.  Sometimes where that is is a question that only gets answered by being 'in the now'.  Other times, it is simply a function of being my word, and doing what I said I would do.  Although I found myself waking up powerfully to my deep-rooted love of New Mexico during this economically-instigated visit (and many reasons arising to stay longer and return sooner), the tipping point that has gotten my wheels rolling towards Arizona (like a horse to water) was a difficult-to-understand (slurred) conversation with my father yesterday.  I knew then it was time to 'go home'....


Of the people in my life that I know absolutely love me, my father is at the top.  It wasn't always that way, in fact for many years I punished him (for his 'mistakes' with me) by withholding from true intimacy with him.  I really don't remember clearly why, now.  About twenty-five years ago a Landmark course I did exposed that racket, and I radically 'cleaned up the past' with my dad.  It's been very tight between us ever since.   


That he continues to use his amazing will to stay in his frail body I am sure is because he would like to see more of his family's triumphs as they occur around him.  He has many reasons to be proud of the eight humans that he fathered and helped raise, and of the offspring they have procreated also.  Yet, as the course states many places, the body is a temporary learning device, and when its functions are completed, it is released.  Only God knows when a life is complete, and the opportunity of being with 'one close to the edge' is to serve the dialogue between them and their Creator, that the completion may be without fear and in peace.  


Part of that, like today's lesson suggests,  is to loose the world from what we habitually consider it to be.  Once there is such a loosening present, Love is much more accessible.    And as my dad acknowledged to me not so long ago, some of the biggest spiritual lessons of a lifetime are learned in these moments 'at the edge of completion'.  


These things I share, for 'alone' is not the truth of any being.







Lesson 146

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(131) No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth. 
(132) I loose the world from all I thought it was.