Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 275

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

God's healing Voice protects all things today.

I just deleted a few sentences of good sounding mentality because I realized I am too spent (this is late, and after the opening is over and I've gone home) to try to fly too high tonight. And I was at a dead end too, anyway. So I am opting to go simple. Somehow it will all be about God, right?

So how'd the opening go? Everybody is saying I should be pleased. And it was a good turnout, by Yuma standards. But what I am most pleased about it that we (the team of me and Art Center staff) just kept adding in as much perfection as possible (despite breakdown after breakdown) all throughout the day, as the countdown shortened, and everything we did made a big difference. And even so, it was nip and tuck timing.... I changed into dress clothes 15 minutes before our event began, without having had

a chance to prepare my vegetable sushi rolls, so..... I ended up doing a raw food sushi demo at the serving table, which was great fun.

Being a hermit much of my life has (perhaps) slowed down the development of 'smoozzing' skills, but I don't mind. There was plenty of authentic appreciation and conversation--- and some converts were made (being people whose initial impression was flat to negative, but who discovered over the evening that there was a message in my art for them too).

I mention that so that this returns to being a spiritual commentary, as that process is universal. The ego will say it is permanent, but it is not. The Course teaches that all it takes is 'a little willingness'. I am learning that includes me too. That is certainly something to be grateful for. It could even be called 'the protection of God', wouldn't you say?

Hope this all makes sense. Very spent. May God protect all beings.....




Lesson 275

God's healing Voice protects all things today.

Let us today attend the Voice for God, which speaks an ancient lesson, no more true today than any other day. Yet has this day been chosen as the time when we will seek an

d hear and learn and understand. Join me in hearing. For the Voice for God tells us of things we cannot understand alone, nor learn apart. It is in this that all things are protected. And in this the healing of the Voice for God is found.

Your healing Voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You. I need be anxious over nothing. For Your Voice will tell me what to do and where to go; to whom to speak and what to say to him, what thoughts to think, what words to give the world. The safety that I bring is given me. Father, Your Voice protects all things through me.