A little report on this day 300 of this year.... Fasting day 5 complete. Big improvement in my arm.... bursitis symptoms nearly gone, with a lot more flexion (so I can now brush my teeth, shave, and comb my hair right handed). Other aches and pains appearing and disappearing according to Herings Law of Cure (Top down, from inside to outside, in reverse order of the conditions appearance). So glad to be fasting, except for the boredom, and the 'bedsoreness'. Have decided I will stop when my weight loss brings me to 115 pounds.... maybe two or three more days.... All is well. Peace, David
Dear Commentary Reader:
I have realized my best choice to heal my body of the inflamed bursitis condition in my right arm is to resort to my deep belief in the power of water fasting, which means complete rest of my entire body and immobilization of my arm (including even typing at a computer) or the next 5 to 7 days. I'm going to bed, to get the deep rest my body needs to heal itself.
Therefore, I am letting you know that I will not be writing any more Commentaries until I end this fast, probably toward the end of next week. Just so nobody worries, I'm doing this 'under supervision'....
In the meantime, I am setting up Mailchimp to automatically send you the lesson of the day each day.
Lesson 300
Only an instant does this world endure.
This is a thought which can be used to say that death and sorrow are the certain lot of all who come here, for their joys are gone before they are possessed, or even grasped. Yet this is also the idea that lets no false perception keep us in its hold, nor represent more than a passing cloud upon a sky eternally serene. And it is this serenity we seek, unclouded, obvious and sure, today.
We seek Your holy world today. For we, Your loving Sons, have lost our way a while. But we have listened to Your Voice, and learned exactly what to do to be restored to Heaven and our true Identity. And we give thanks today the world endures but for an instant. We would go beyond that tiny instant to eternity.
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