Saturday, December 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 312

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

All I did Sunday was practice Loving myself. My intention today is to do the same. For in a moment of grace I got the message (again) that what will heal the world (which also means 'my world') is to be able to give love, as distinct from 'trade love'.

So I cancelled the whole day and spent it with God and myself, gently letting myself listen to much that has been buried for a good while. When people called, it was good to share with them and speak the truth, and it is excellent to return to self-communion.

My thought to share with you is please don't put off loving yourself. There is no cheese down that path. Where there is cheese is in the quietness of our heart cave, for that is where God's alter to our true holiness is found. It is entered as the breath becomes still, and the mind quiet. I know you know. Just a reminder.



PS.... the link below is to information about a planet wide new paradigm meditation being organized to being very soon, on 11-11-2010, which is Thursday. If you hear the calling, check it out and share it. It's quite aligned with our work, and todays lesson too. Peace.


Lesson 312

I see all things as I would have them be.

Perception follows judgment. Having judged, we therefore see what we would look upon. For sight can merely serve to offer us what we would have. It is impossible to overlook what we would see, and fail to see what we have chosen to behold. How surely, therefore, must the real world come to greet the holy sight of anyone who takes the Holy Spirit's purpose as his goal for seeing. And he cannot fail to look upon what Christ would have him see, and share Christ's Love for what he looks upon.

I have no purpose for today except to look upon a liberated world, set free from all the judgments I have made. Father, this is Your Will for me today, and therefore it must be my goal as well.