Saturday, December 25, 2010

Commentary on ACIM Lesson 347

© 2010 Rev. David Seacord

As I took my foot off the accelerator and pointed my trusty Sidekick off the Interstate and up the exit ramp nearest my Arizona home-with-my -mother, I became aware of my deep deep gratitude. For so much.... and for just 'that it was over'.... (meaning, of course, this intense two week working +3K-mile journey, with its week of Albuquerque couch surfing, its week of southeastern NM car-camping, its token motel night [like to prove I'm capable of living like regular people maybe], its two truck-stop showers to stay feeling clean and human, and its 60+ pianos tuned and repaired for another year, its visits with dear and close friends, its reawakening of my decades of bonded affection for New Mexico land and culture, and its discoveries and surprises--- like that I could sanely and successfully navigate an experimental culinary path through the world of cooked food while feeding my body 'on the road', for instance...).

But I was also aware of many other gratitudes.... like that my mother was able to simply be 'on her own' without any emergency arising, that she was able to water my planted-just-before-I-left winter garden so that now the first thing before anything else after turning off the engine was to get a flashlight and go inspect the little baby embryonic lives that are popping out of the soils I have built from a year of composting. Oh, what delight to see results (!) beginning.... or not.... and the memory of prayer/blessing actions to take (like at Findhorn) to bring the nursery of beloveds into creation with strength and vigor....

It's been a visionary journey also, for the practice of tuning is also an attunement practice which quiets the thinking mind, and thusly receptive, I have received many intuitions of my upcoming future assignments. Just so you are informed, it is now clear to me that this daily writing assignment does not end at the years end, but will continue --- perhaps with some changes-- for those who wish to continue with me. And I pray other long desired aspects of this work (like recording a CD for instance) may receive attention also, now that 'fiscal survival' is not a burning issue for a while. :-).

Of course, what will actually happen is unknowable except in the moment that it does.... and it is even unknowable then if nobody is 'home', i.e., 'in present time' with it. Quite a dance, this life is, and so far beyond any full grasping of egoic-minded control scenarios that it 'begs' for our embrace 'as surrendered beings' in order to guide us along its pathways in peace. Yet such is the true possibility offered us at each moment. 'All' it takes is (the great courage of) being straight with ourselves..... our Choice is then both easy and clear.




Lesson 347

Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is
The weapon I would use against myself,
To keep the miracle away from me.

Father, I want what goes against my will, and do not want what is my will to have. Straighten my mind, my Father. It is sick. But You have offered freedom, and I choose to claim Your gift today. And so I give all judgment to the One You gave to me to judge for me. He sees what I behold, and yet He knows the truth. He looks on pain, and yet He understands it is not real, and in His understanding it is healed. He gives the miracles my dreams would hide from my awareness. Let Him judge today. I do not know my will, but He is sure it is Your Own. And He will speak for me, and call Your miracles to come to me.

Listen today. Be very still, and hear the gentle Voice for God assuring you that He has judged you as the Son He loves.